Thursday, August 9, 2007

Aloha! School is back in session for Cory, Amanda has been going to yoga, and Leif gets to play with his new friends Elijah and Dylan. We traveled back to Washington to say aloha to auntie and sister Emily at the end of July--A difficult yet releasing time.

Back at home Leif has been learning to crawl, though just barely. He has gotten up on his hands and knees and has moved backwards a wee bit. However, he is rolling around like crazy. You put him in one spot and a couple of seconds later he is across the floor (easy to say in such a small space). He also loves his bath time!

It looks like this will be a great year at Cory's school as the kids are truly wonderful. This is also the last year of Cory's Master's work and then it will be on to Ph.D. (yikes!). Enjoy the photos and hopefully we will see some of you in our neck of paradise soon.

a hui ho


mary said...

Oh my gosh is Leif changing, not as much Cory now but still alot. Amanda I'm starting to see you in him. A beautiful boy. I'm glad school is looking good, always helps. I miss you 3, and am saving to come and see you in your neck of the woods. I almost have the airfare saved...darn Omaha for not being a hub. till later, Mom and Grandma Mary

Carrie said...

Awesome pics guys, love them! One of these days we will get a blog going, it is so great to see your updates. Good to hear you've had a nice vaca. time. Hmmm...guess it's be pretty hard NOT to living over there in paradise!! I loved the experience you shared about the dolphins. When we talk next, you need to tell Rachel about that, she is an ocean fanatic and wants to be a scuba diver when she grows up and move to "HUwaii" as she calls it, to live where Amanda and Cory live. She loves anything about marine life. It's great.
Cory it'd be great if you could tell her all about it, she'd be in absolute awe! Talk to you soon, Carrie

Balsiger said...

This picture with the spoon really makes Leif look like Cory. I don't know how many times Cory has chased me with a stick or spoon... same look in the eyes...