Tuesday, July 3, 2007


Being so far away from all of those we love can be difficult. Thus, we are trying a new method to keep everyone up to date.

Right now, Cory is on vacation and a great south swell has arrived as if in celebration. Amanda will be starting yoga, while Leif does what he does best: eat, sleep, and play (at the beach!).

Enjoy the recent photos.


mary said...

As always, I love the photos...I hope you all enjoy the 4th. Cory you go surf those amazing swells, and Amanda you bend all those joints, (I wish I could), and Leif you just sit and smile with the best smile in the world. I love you all

mommalori said...

Mahalo, Mahalo, Mahalo!!!
The pics are perfect of the perfect Poohs!! Thanks for the smiles!
Lovin's to the three of you from the three of us... Nana, Poppop and Unkie A.

Carrie said...

Hi guys,
love the pictures! You'd think with Jon being a programmer, we'd already be set up with a blog, but nope, we still need to jump on that train!
Looks like you're loving the sun over there in Hawaii. Good luck with the yoga and surfing, kiss Leif for us.
Miss you,
The Tolleys