Fall officially begins in a couple of days but the temperatures are still in the upper 80's every day and it is down right muggy. But that is the trade off for winter temperatures in the upper 70's and lower 80's.
Leif is growing and changing so much since our last post two months agao. It seemed like he was learning a lot of words so we decided to count them. Two days later we decided to stop as we were at 260 and this endeavor seemed like a waste of time as he was daily learning new words. Leif has learned many colors (red, yellow, blue, orange, green, brown, black, pink, white, purple, and grey) and likes to use them to describe things now, like the "beeeg wred burd" he saw at the pet store. He has also learned his numbers from 1 to 6 and from 8- 10, he gets hung up on seven sometimes, and we often find him reciting these numbers by himself. He seems to be trying to count but he still lacks the one-to-one corespondence--Daddy says, "how cool!"
Telling Mama about pineapples at the Dole Plantation
"Da peek papple"
Leif and his cat "Vufur"--his word for Zephyr
Next to his all time favorite thing to do, reading books, Leif loves to play with Play-Doh, color pictures with his craysons, make pictures with finger paints, and color with chalk. He is really creative but also wants Mamma or Daddy to do it with him. He often asks for one of us to draw something and then he will color it in. Right now he loves to have us draw circles of different sizes and colors--"Lille shircle...Beeeg shircle." Did we mention that he can recognize and say circle and triangle, the later is true for various types of triangles, too!!
Taking side walk art to a new level
Last month went to the Polynesian Cultural Center in Laie and had a great time. Leif loved the boat ride and the waterfalls. However, our favorite family pastime is still going to the beach and it is so nice to be able to take an evening walk after dinner and end up at the beach watching the beautiful colors of a tropical sunset; it's hard to beat.
At home on the beach
Blue shirt, blue sky, and blue eyes!
Leif and Daddy at the famous Sunset Beach
Leif has also been going to "school" with his mom. There is a playing/activity time at our local elementary school for toddlers three times a week. They play, sing songs, have a snack, do a project, and then go home. Leif is really enjoying it and we have started hanging his work on the proverbial fridge!
Cory seems to be up to his ears as usual. He is still teaching full time, and loving it, but is also working on his PhD, National Board Certification (the "Academy Awards" of teaching), Presenting at the State conference for the Hawaii Association of Middle Schools, as well as continuing his work as board member and editor of the monthly newsletter for the Hawaii Association of Middle Schools.
Amanda has been very busy quilting again and is looking forward to getting a new machine even though it may be another 9-12 months. She makes such beautiful quilts; her works seem to grace every room of the house. She has also taken on responsibilities as the local "den mother" (Cory's words) of the Honolulu Mommies. It keeps her busy on some days but this means that Leif is also getting out and doing all kinds of great stuff.
Leif and Daddy flying kites at a Honolulu Mommies play date--Mamma brought us
Finally, we want to leave you with this short video. We have so many to chose from but we hope you enjoy it!
We hope you all have a wonderful fall and we can't wait to see you again.
A hui ho
Cory, Amanda, and Leif